Remember the God Within

From our first breath, we are the embodiment of divine inspiration — pure, unfiltered expressions of Divinity - the cosmic current of Source.

As life unfolds, our energy fields become distorted by traumas, societal conditioning, and external programming. 

These distortions are stored somatically in our nervous systems as trapped energy or energetic blocks that disrupt the flow of this cosmic current, leading to dis-ease in the body, living above the neck, and the choking of our spirit. 

These distortions serve as barriers, preventing our potential from being realized and embedding limiting beliefs deep within our psyche. 

Our approach is to illuminate and integrate these distortions to restore the flow of energy, remember our infinite nature, and allow the breath of the Divine in.

As we clear our energetic field, dissolving distortions, what remains is our authentic Divine essence. As we come into inner harmony, our outer world will reorient itself to match, as our outer world is just a reflection of our inner world.

Through this process, we will remember our Divine nature and how to access an infinite supply of energetic funding, inspiration and intelligence in every moment.

This is the journey of feeling our way to freedom and living into our Divine Truth.


  • Remember the God

    Remember the God

    For The Divine Masculine. Your initiation to Frequency, Divine Truth and Spiritual Leadership.

  • Receiving the Goddess

    For the Divine Feminine. Clear your channel, strengthen your connection to Source, and enhance your intuitive gifts.

  • Demystifying Homeostasis

    Demystifying Homeostasis

    For Clinicians, caregivers and healers. Tap into the Divine intelligence and profound healing power of your nervous system.

Branden Collinsworth

“I am so honored and excited to endorse my brother Phil as a leader and one of the best coaches in the game. The one thing I look for when it comes to working with a potent coach, somebody who is going to elicit transformation is heart. The heart is what separates the best from the rest and Phil is somebody who truly walks the walk. He has an uncanny ability to fuse theory with practice, to fuse Eastern wisdom with Western innovation and most importantly, he is leading from the heart…To get what you’ve never had, you have to do what you’ve never done. What are you waiting for? Take the leap into greatness.”

“The longest journey you will ever take is the 18 inches from your head to your heart.” — Andrew Bennett

When we travel the 18-inch journey from the head to the heart, we are journeying from: 

  • Fear to Faith

  • Effort to Ease

  • Linear to Quantum

  • Thinking to Feeling

  • Confusion to Clarity

  • Monotony to Miracles

  • Scarcity to Abundance

  • Compulsive Doing to Living with Intention

  • Living Life on Autopilot to Captaining Your Own Adventure

This is the journey of ‘Feeling Your Way to Freedom’ and living into your Divine Truth.

Book a 30-Minute Clarity Call