Come Home To Your Divine Truth

The feminine is meant to flourish. She is a direct portal to the infinite.

In every moment, she is pregnant with infinite abundance, beauty, love and creation, ready to FLOW into flourishing.

She is FLOW personified.

FLOW is a Somatic Experience

When we reestablish safety in the body and remember how to open up to FLOW, the feminine bursts fourth into her full expression.

When we remember how to experience reality through Frequency, we will experience Divinity directly.

Energetic blocks will become doorways. The dormant awareness of resonance will awaken, allowing us to intuitively find our authentic vibration and dance with the Divine. 

When we feel resonance, we intuitively know what is distortion and what is truth. With this capacity, we can feel our way to true freedom, harmony, and wholeness. And remember our infinite nature.

This is Your Initiation into Frequency.

What you can expect to remember

  • How to intuitively access FLOW states and zones of genius

  • How to feel and discern frequency

  • How to hone your “receiving” capacity to be a channel to Source

  • How to clear your channel and remove energetic blocks by integrating stuck energy

  • How to Source Divine Union

  • How to restore optimal flow of energy in the body

  • How to access deeper levels of presence, awareness, and clarity

  • How to align powerfully with Spirit

  • How to reestablish safety and re-inhabit the body

  • How to activate and enhance your intuitive gifts

  • How to heal wounding with the masculine

  • How to manage and integrate emotional triggers or unprocessed emotions

  • How to integrate fear and anxiety as energy

  • How to expand your consciousness to hold more possibility, power, and energy

  • How to awaken to your capacity to feel resonance

  • KCW

    “I am so glad I came on this journey. Phil’s facilitation, the amazing community, and my deepened connection to myself has been transformational. I can’t recommend this container enough. In the last three months—I felt called to quit drinking, doubled my income and bought a house….might be a coincidence, might be delivering divinity.”

Course logistics

  • 14 90-minute Zoom calls that will include core content and technique training

  • Continuous support via WhatsApp group chat

  • Aligned-action homework assignments designed to support your ‘leading edge’ expansion

You can expect:

  • A curated mystical journey taking you inward and stretching you in the direction of harmony and divine alignment

  • To be supported by a tribe of soul sisters hand selected based on heart coherence

  • A recalibration of your energy leaving you feeling lighter, more clear and more at ease

  • More energetic funding from the Universe

  • Tears, Laughter, Electricity, Breakthroughs, Miracles

  • Access to the Delivering Divinity Alumni group

Upcoming cohorts

  • 11/11/2024

    Call time is TBD based on registrant’s schedules.

    Cohorts are limited to 8 people.
    Register to reserve your spot.


  • January 2025

    Call time is TBD based on registrant's schedules.

    Cohorts are limited to 8 people.
    Register to reserve your spot.


Prasanna Patel, Healer and Host of The Shakti Podcast

“Thank you so much, Phil. This journey has been one of the most transformative and magical experiences of my life. I have felt myself expand more and more, and feel like I have the tools to continue to do so. Being in this container with our community has opened up my heart and allowed for so much healing love to pour in and out of it. You have made me feel safe, seen, heard, and inspired. Your playfulness is infectious and has made me feel safe enough to let my inner child shine. I am abundantly grateful for you.”

Sara Stibitz, Writer and Shamanic Guide

This is hands down one of the most effective coaching experiences I've ever had. Phil's method for integrating energy and emotions is simple and very effective. What I learned in his program helped me change some of the most challenging parts of my life. I always felt like Phil had my back during the process, and he created a beautiful experience that deeply impacted my life.”

Laura Fernandez, CEO and Co-founder Matria

“A lifeboat that turned into a cruise. Captain Phil led us with his deep soothing voice into a prosperous Queendom. By following his masterfully designed program, we found ourselves alchemizing our deepest wounds into our greatest breakthroughs, witnessing our real-time transformation was a priceless reward. A once in a lifetime experience for those brave souls that are ready to embark on a new adventure leaving behind the shadows of the past. Fear not. Phil will hold your hand like a brother. He knows the path. Just trust him with your heart.

Clare Yeadon, Designs By Clare

I have been given tools for tapping into the field of abundance at any time. So it’s not just tools, it’s SUPERPOWERS. I reword my thoughts to align my inner world with what I know I can attract in the 3D world. I catch myself when bypassing more and more often. I catch myself judging and turn it inward to find where I’m judging myself. I allow my feelings to BE, even the yucky and uncomfortable ones, the painful and sorrowful, the anger. All of it. None of it has the power to hurt or control me, and I’m not afraid of feeling my feelings anymore. They are the portal to my higher self.”

Meet your instructor

I spent most of the first 33 years of my life living above the neck, lost in thought. I was a prisoner to fear, shame, and anxiety. And yet all along, I knew deep down that there was a fuller, deeper expression of me that was struggling to break free.

I had lost touch with my authentic self. I wanted so badly to free him but I was terrified of the unknown. And I had no clue how or where to even begin.

Eventually, I reached a breaking point that led me to leave life as I knew it and set off on a worldwide journey of self-development.

I learned to trust my intuition. I learned how to re-integrate those lost parts of me through receiving myself in the moment with unconditional love.

The good news: what we seek is seeking us. Homeostasis wants to happen and our authentic self wants to be free. All we have to do is help the intuition remember what it already knows: how to welcome all parts of ourself home.

Clear Your Channel. Open Up To FLOW. Live Into Your Divine Expression.

Questions you may have…

  • We will meet on a weekly basis for 14 90-minute group calls over the course of 3 months. We will also have ~30 mins a week in aligned action homework.

  • That’s okay. All sessions will be recorded and are available upon request.

    That said, attendance will allow you to get the most out of this course as you’ll have the option for live coaching and interactions with me and the other course members.

  • No problem. Feel free to email Phil directly with some times that work for you.

  • Yes, payment plans can be arranged. We do offer partial scholarships for certain clients based on alignment and need. Please submit inquiry to

More questions?