Harness the power of your nervous system

Your body is an intricate tapestry of interconnected systems, constantly striving for balance. At the core of this balance is homeostasis - a foundational process where the body works masterfully to maintain harmony.

In "Healing Through Homeostasis,” we tap into the Divine intelligence and profound potential of your nervous system to support holistic healing across all domains of the health spectrum: spiritual, emotional, mental, energetic, and physical.

Unlocking the Power Within

Dis-ease in the body occurs when there is a disruption in the natural flow of energy.

Traditional medicine often focuses on treating symptoms of this blocked energy, but true healing is an inside job.

Our methodology goes deeper, working at the root level, by identifying, locating and re-connecting with the trapped energy so that we can open up to experience it somatically, thus allowing the trapped energy to flow through as it was originally intended.

By understanding the energy dynamics of our neurology and the nervous system's natural tendency towards equilibrium, we can learn to satisfy the conditions the nervous system requires for homeostasis to thrive.

When we satisfy these conditions, a highly intelligent energetic process commences, sparking a chain reaction that ripples through the neural network of the body.

As the trapped energy is processed, the flow pathways are cleared and restored, thus restoring the natural flow of energy, along with ease, health, and well-being and resolving the downstream symptoms.

Mindfulness: Where Attention Goes Energy Flows

Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs play a vital role in our overall health. Through targeted mindfulness practices, we guide you in recognizing and breaking patterns that might be impeding your healing journey. By staying present, you unlock a heightened awareness that acts as a catalyst for deep-seated transformation.

Somatic Experiencing: Feeling to Heal

Our bodies store memories, traumas, and emotions. Somatic experiencing provides a safe and nurturing space to tune into your body's signals. By actively listening and receiving to these cues, you begin a dialogue with your body, feeling feelings, sensing sensations, and receiving the energy that is trying to flow. Through somatic experiencing, we can co-create the symbiotic homeostasis with the nervous system.

"Healing Through Homeostasis" is an invitation that is always available. An invitation to connect with our body, to harness its innate wisdom, and to initiate a transformative journey towards optimal health and spiritual alignment.

I am currently accepting a limited number of clients on a case by case basis. Book in a call below to see if we’re a good fit.

"As a conventionally trained physician, I have always been skeptical of alternative approaches, shamans, gurus and energy healers. They all went into the same box for me, and the box was labeled ‘Scams.’ I have been working on my S-I joint pain for 12 years (since my twin daughters were born). I have seen: physical therapy and rehabilitation physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, massage therapists. I had X-rays, MRI's, CT scans. I had all treatment modalities that conventional medicine offers. My pain did get better, but it never went away completely. I have to admit, I was becoming despondent about this pain. It seemed like I would have to learn to live with it, and accept that it was going to be part of me forever. 

I gave Phil one of my hardest challenges, my S-I joint pain, that no Johns Hopkins trained doctors were able to figure out. Within an hour, my pain was gone. A month later, the pain is still gone. And, I am still trying to understand what happened during the energy integration session. It was a combination of left brain and right brain methodologies, deep understanding of energy technologies and tremendous compassion. 

Phil is a gifted, and extremely talented healer. And I do not use any of these words lightly. His ability to hold unwavering, steady, extremely clean space and his commitment to integrity and truth are something that is rare and precious. 

I would say RUN, don't walk towards his offerings. If you get so fortunate to be in one of the groups he leads, know that it is the chance of a lifetime and the kind of availability to the general public that he has now will likely not happen again. I have no doubt that I have discovered a diamond in the rough, and I hope that he will not forget me once he is on the world stages, playing with the big players."

Dr. Corina Fratila, Board Certified Endocrinologist, Founder and Medical Director of Ideal Endocrinology.


All intuitive guidance, trauma-informed coaching and somatic energy support received by Phil Kreutzer is meant to complement, not replace, any medical treatments you may be receiving.

Energy work has shown to have positive results physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. And it is still considered an alternative method and not fully backed by the traditional western medical community.